Certified divers
Discover new worlds beneath the sea
Sandals Resorts has the most comprehensive resort scuba diving program in the Caribbean and is the top luxury all-inclusive dive resort in the world. That is why scuba enthusiasts come to Sandals. If you’re a certified diver, we let you dive every day… except the day you arrive and the day you leave. We offer the very best in dive equipment, state-of-art Newton boats, knowledgeable dive masters, and exciting dive sites – all included.
Ranked top 5 operations
In the western hemisphere BY PADI®

IMPORTANT: Read the Medical Questionnaire. Should you answer “yes” to any of the questions listed, the form must be signed by a physician prior to arrival at the resort.
Daily scuba diving included for certified divers
All Sandals dives are guided and depths range from 20 to 100 feet.
Certified divers can join our PADI instructors for scheduled and guided dives daily. Enjoy either two one-tank dives in one outing or a one-tank dive in two outings each day!
Newton® dive boats specifically customized for Sandals.
All branded top-of-the-line equipment from tanks to masks
Scuba certification pools offered at most Sandals resorts.
Expert dive instructors and captains.
As many as 30 different dive sites per resort with up to 6 different dive excursions per day.
Wreck dives and night dives* are available at most Sandals Resorts.
* Wreck and night dives are at an additional cost.

Specialty scuba diving courses
The Professional Association of Dive Instructors (PADI) is one of the world’s most prominent scuba diving training organizations. PADI offers courses in advanced open water diving, night diving, enriched air diving, and more.