PARA PAREJAS","EN SANDALS RESORTS SÓLO PARA ADULTOS","Cuando te apasiona el amor, lo creas todo para inspirarlo. Todos nuestros resorts están diseñados específicamente para el romance. Pasee por serenos senderos ajardinados o vadee piscinas escondidas en grutas; hay un montón de lugares tentadores que os unirán. Además, como todos nuestros resorts son con Resort todo incluidos, puede elegir hacer tanto, o tan poco, como quiera sin preocuparse de facturas o propinas durante sus vacaciones.","Ver todos los resorts ","Piscinas privadas","pasar tiempo en los brazos del otro","Para aquellos que buscan lo último en lujo aislado, nuestras increíbles Suites con Piscina Privada ofrecen una refinada elegancia con interiores ricamente decorados combinados con la sofisticación de su propia piscina privada.","Tranquilidad Bañeras de hidromasaje™.","Concebido para parejas","Nuestras nuevas bañeras Tranquility Soaking Tubs se encuentran en los patios y balcones privados de la mayoría de nuestras habitaciones y suites, situadas detrás de elegantes cortinas de privacidad, crean una forma totalmente nueva de celebrar el romance al aire libre.","Bares surtidos con licores de primera calidad","La fiesta continúa en el interior. Disfrute de una velada romántica en la intimidad de su habitación con nuestros minibares. Las habitaciones de categoría superior disponen de un completo bar con una selección de licores de primera calidad.","Ver Más","opcional","Masajes en pareja","Conexión. Tiempo. Amor.","Inspiradas en las bellas tradiciones y los majestuosos escenarios naturales del Caribe, las experiencias de nuestro emblemático Red Lane® Spa no se parecen a nada en el mundo. La forma perfecta de relajarse en unas vacaciones en pareja. ","Pareja en la playa","Normas inflexibles ","Su mayordomo personal está formado de acuerdo con las normas más exigentes para garantizar que todas sus necesidades estén cubiertas. El servicio de mayordomo personal está incluido en las categorías superiores.","servicio de mayordomo en sandals ","Hasta 16 restaurantes por resort","Hasta 16 restaurantes por resort ","Desde cenas con los pies descalzos en la arena, pasando por elegantes terrazas, hasta restaurantes sobre el agua con impresionantes vistas al mar Caribe, nuestras exclusivas ubicaciones y nuestra cocina Global Gourmet de 5 estrellas ofrecen experiencias gastronómicas románticas que sacan el máximo partido de nuestras espectaculares ubicaciones caribeñas.","GOURMET GLOBAL DE 5 ESTRELLAS ","Cena privada a la luz de las velas ","Una cena romántica bajo las estrellas","Disfruta de una cena romántica bajo las estrellas en algunos de los lugares más impresionantes de la isla. Tu cena gourmet de cuatro platos será servida por un camarero privado y acompañada por el vino espumoso de tu elección. El menú personalizado atiende todo tipo de necesidades dietéticas.","Encantadoras hogueras","por encender la pasión","¿Qué mejor lugar para sentir el calor del Caribe que reunidos alrededor de una hoguera? Las vacaciones en pareja en Sandals cuentan con las hogueras más románticas y exclusivas en ubicaciones ideales por todo el resort, que ofrecen vistas espectaculares y crean el ambiente ideal para el romance.","Privado Islas offshore","Déjese envolver por el Caribe","Experimente el encanto de una isla en alta mar en Sandals Royal Caribbean y Sandals Royal Bahamian. A pocos minutos de la costa del resort, nuestras islas offshore ofrecen servicios de lujo como playas solitarias, tratamientos de spa, restaurantes temáticos, piscinas, bares nadadores y mucho más.","Hamacas sobre el agua","Relajarse en el paraíso es fácil cuando se descansa en una hamaca suspendida sobre aguas cristalinas de color turquesa. Disfrute del sol caribeño en estas hamacas tropicales sobre el agua en Sandals Royal Bahamian, Sandals Royal Caribbean, Sandals Montego Bay y Sandals South Coast.","Lugares apartados","para una cita romántica","Descubra un extenso paraíso en medio de la inolvidable belleza del mar Caribe, ideal para una escapada romántica. Tanto si opta por pasear entre nuestros asombrosos jardines tropicales como por las resguardadas playas de arena blanca, Sandals crea un escondite exclusivo para parejas, idóneo para momentos privados.","Sólo para parejas","Nuestro Resort todo incluidos ","Todos los resorts de playa de lujo de Sandals se encuentran directamente en una impresionante playa, en ocho de las islas más hermosas de una región famosa por sus idílicas e interminables extensiones de arena blanca, sus exquisitas aguas azules y sus quijotescas puestas de sol."," Más inclusiones de calidadQue cualquier otro resort del planeta "," De&dollar177PP/PN "," SANDALS SELECCIONAR MIEMBROSENCONTRAR UNA AGENCIA DE VIAJESCONOZCA A UN ESPECIALISTA EN SANDALS VISITE EL BLOG SANDALS ","sandals logo"," Gana 4 días en el Paraíso ","Suscríbase para las últimas noticias y ofertas","Reserva Tus Vacaciones ","Reservar en línea","Cotización","Ver Ofertas Especiales","Resorts Todo Incluido","Agencia de Viajes","Especialista Sandals","Reserva Tus Vacaciones","¿Ya reservaste? ","Check-in En línea","Reserva Actividades Extras","Pagos Pendientes","Preferencias de Mayordomo","¿Ya reservaste?","Resorts Todo incluido ","Ver todos los Resorts","Resorts en Saint Vincent","Resorts en Jamaica","Resorts en Saint Lucia","Resorts en Antigua","Resorts en Bahamas","Resorts en Grenada","Resorts en Barbados","Resorts en Curaçao","Resorts Todo incluido","Bodas y Celebracion ","Bodas de Destino","Lugares de boda","Cotizar","Lunas de miel","Elopements","Aniversarios","Retie The Knot","Bodas y Celebracion","Acerca de Sandals ","Sandals Blog","Sandals Foundation","FAQs","Empleos","Testimonios","Solicitar Brochure","Solicitar Patrocinio","Accesibilidad","Noticias","Afiliados","Mapa del sitio","Acerca de Sandals"," Llámenos al 866 503 8409 "," De Lunes a Viernes8:30 AM - 5:30 PM ","Hora del Este","Help in English","Europa +44 207 581 9895","Información Mundial","1-888-SANDALS","888-726-3257 - DE 7.00 A 12.00 H EST","Beaches resorts By sandals","Fowl Cay resort","Villas Privadas","TAMBIÉN PARTE DE NUESTRA FAMILIA:","Condiciones GeneralesIPolítica de Privacidad y CookiesI Contáctate con NosotrosITus Opciones de PrivacidadINo Vender o Compartir Mis Datos Personales"]}
Be the first to know about exclusive offers, new and exciting updates, destination tips, delivered straight to your inbox
Cuando te apasiona el amor, lo creas todo para inspirarlo. Todos nuestros resorts están diseñados específicamente para el romance. Pasee por serenos senderos ajardinados o vadee piscinas escondidas en grutas; hay un montón de lugares tentadores que os unirán. Además, como todos nuestros resorts son con Resort todo incluidos, puede elegir hacer tanto, o tan poco, como quiera sin preocuparse de facturas o propinas durante sus vacaciones.
Make your most romantic dreams a reality with the most extravagant collection of rooms and suites in paradise, specifically designed for couples in love. From enviable beachfronts to staggering cliff-tops, our suites are so exotic, so private, and so indulgently romantic, we could only call them Love Nest Butler Suites®. Every luxurious detail has been carefully considered and exquisitely achieved – from the finest custom furnishings and appointments to the added touches provided by a dedicated staff that strives to make your vacation that much more perfect.
Para aquellos que buscan lo último en lujo aislado, nuestras increíbles Suites con Piscina Privada ofrecen una refinada elegancia con interiores ricamente decorados combinados con la sofisticación de su propia piscina privada.
Tranquilidad Bañeras de hidromasaje™.
Concebido para parejas
Nuestras nuevas bañeras Tranquility Soaking Tubs se encuentran en los patios y balcones privados de la mayoría de nuestras habitaciones y suites, situadas detrás de elegantes cortinas de privacidad, crean una forma totalmente nueva de celebrar el romance al aire libre.
Bares surtidos con licores de primera calidad
La fiesta continúa en el interior. Disfrute de una velada romántica en la intimidad de su habitación con nuestros minibares. Las habitaciones de categoría superior disponen de un completo bar con una selección de licores de primera calidad.
Inspiradas en las bellas tradiciones y los majestuosos escenarios naturales del Caribe, las experiencias de nuestro emblemático Red Lane® Spa no se parecen a nada en el mundo. La forma perfecta de relajarse en unas vacaciones en pareja.
Su mayordomo personal está formado de acuerdo con las normas más exigentes para garantizar que todas sus necesidades estén cubiertas. El servicio de mayordomo personal está incluido en las categorías superiores.
Desde cenas con los pies descalzos en la arena, pasando por elegantes terrazas, hasta restaurantes sobre el agua con impresionantes vistas al mar Caribe, nuestras exclusivas ubicaciones y nuestra cocina Global Gourmet de 5 estrellas ofrecen experiencias gastronómicas románticas que sacan el máximo partido de nuestras espectaculares ubicaciones caribeñas.
Disfruta de una cena romántica bajo las estrellas en algunos de los lugares más impresionantes de la isla. Tu cena gourmet de cuatro platos será servida por un camarero privado y acompañada por el vino espumoso de tu elección. El menú personalizado atiende todo tipo de necesidades dietéticas.
¿Qué mejor lugar para sentir el calor del Caribe que reunidos alrededor de una hoguera? Las vacaciones en pareja en Sandals cuentan con las hogueras más románticas y exclusivas en ubicaciones ideales por todo el resort, que ofrecen vistas espectaculares y crean el ambiente ideal para el romance.
Privado Islas offshore
Déjese envolver por el Caribe
Experimente el encanto de una isla en alta mar en Sandals Royal Caribbean y Sandals Royal Bahamian. A pocos minutos de la costa del resort, nuestras islas offshore ofrecen servicios de lujo como playas solitarias, tratamientos de spa, restaurantes temáticos, piscinas, bares nadadores y mucho más.
Descubra un extenso paraíso en medio de la inolvidable belleza del mar Caribe, ideal para una escapada romántica. Tanto si opta por pasear entre nuestros asombrosos jardines tropicales como por las resguardadas playas de arena blanca, Sandals crea un escondite exclusivo para parejas, idóneo para momentos privados.
Nuestro Resort todo incluidos Sólo para parejas
Todos los resorts de playa de lujo de Sandals se encuentran directamente en una impresionante playa, en ocho de las islas más hermosas de una región famosa por sus idílicas e interminables extensiones de arena blanca, sus exquisitas aguas azules y sus quijotescas puestas de sol.
Sandals Royal CuraçaoSanta Barbara - Curaçao
Sandals Royal Curaçao is where amazing comes together – with the first-ever Awa Seaside Bungalows, first Kurason Island Suites, Dos Awa 2-Level Infinity Pool, 11 restaurants, and MINI Coopers for complimentary use for select rooms categories.
Our trip was amazing. The food was outstanding, the resort was beautiful, and the staff wa...TripAdvisor
On the north coast of Jamaica, rivers meander through forests and rushing waterfalls wash over the landscape. In this secluded spot, filled with the Earth’s abundance, love flows naturally.
This resort is out of this world. The food at every restaurant was fantastic. My favorite ...TripAdvisor
Understated elegance and exquisitely private, this is Sandals Royal Plantation - an intimate all-butler beach resort of just 74 ocean view suites tucked into a magnificent coral bluff.
We were at Royal Plantation over this past Christmas, as we have done for the past 20 year...TripAdvisor
Sandals Montego Bay is Sandals flagship beach resort and a true original. Spanning the most exclusive white-sand beach in Jamaica, this playful and romantic resort is where the world first fell in love with Sandals Resorts.
I had the absolute best time ever visiting sandals! One of the best experiences I’ve had i...TripAdvisor
Amidst a pristine tropical setting, this world-class beachfront resort combines a laid-back atmosphere with refined elegance. Spanning the longest and best stretch of Jamaica’s famous Seven Mile Beach.
The Entertainment!!!!
Omg we are really amazed with them they keep the energy go!! Every ...TripAdvisor
Water is the inspiration for everything at this resort on Jamaica’s pristine south coast, from the Over-the-Water Butler Bungalows and Over-the-Water Serenity Wedding Chapel to Latitudes Overwater Bar.
Hospitality was amazing. Would go back just for the people. Extra shoutout to the dive tea...TripAdvisor
An 110 acre exclusive tropical beachfront hideaway, enjoy a total of 16 restaurants, 11 unique bars, including the Caribbean’s first speakeasy, and unlimited golf at nearby Sandals Golf & Country Club.
Aaliyah in entertainment was hands down the best! She is like family now! So sweet, inclu...TripAdvisor
This elegant beach resort features innovative suites including Swim-up Crystal Lagoon Suites and the spectacular Over-the-water Suites. Just offshore, an exotic private island offers a romantic retreat.
Just a beautiful place. Great resort, food and service. Special shout out to ROCKEISHA wh...TripAdvisor
A historically regal retreat set on Nassau’s best beach, Sandals Royal Bahamian is for discerning travelers who desire a blend of European sophistication with an exotic offshore island adventure.
This resort is the way to go! The staff is friendly and the overall experience is Great. T...TripAdvisor
Ideally located on its very own peninsula, Sandals Grande St. Lucian is often described as the “closest vacation to a picture-perfect postcard.” Featuring the Spectacular Over-The-Water Bungalows.
There is a reason many return to this Sandals resort year after year! The resort, THE STAF...TripAdvisor
A magnificent 220-acre estate set on a half-mile, crescent-shaped beach. Featuring a challenging executive-style golf course, stunning oceanfront suites and the private enclave of the Sunset Bluff Village.
Great hotel, 5 * sandals hotel, lovely location, very clean, great beach, staff are amazin...TripAdvisor
A true Garden of Eden by the sea, its beachfront island architecture features cottages that are no taller than the highest palm tree, ensuring gorgeous panoramas of Saint Lucia’s tranquil beach and tropical seaside gardens.
A beautiful location, a wonderfully small and perfect hotel, nice rooms and room locations...TripAdvisor
Voted “World’s Most Romantic Resort” year after year, this charming seaside oasis is a couple’s paradise set on Antigua’s most beautiful and longest white–sand beach, Dickenson Bay.
Our room was absolutely delightful and so comfortable!!! The grounds of Sandals were immac...TripAdvisor
An exotic, unspoiled hideaway in the heart of Grenada’s exclusive Pink Gin Beach. Featuring breathtaking innovations like pools suspended in the sky, and where living rooms are found in pools.
Thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere food and weather. This was our second trip to Grenada an...TripAdvisor
The all-new, all-suite beach resort in the spirited St. Lawrence Gap area. Enjoy the Caribbean’s first rooftop pool and bar, a bowling alley, a 15,000-square-foot spa, even Rolls-Royce transfers for top-tier guests.
This resort was absolutely beautiful. The water was warm and clear and the sand was some o...TripAdvisor
Just steps from Barbados’ pristine Dover Beach, experience innovative accommodations such as the all-new Crystal Lagoon Swim-up Suites. Plus, experience two vacations in one at adjacent Sandals Royal Barbados.
The restaurants, the selection of cuisines, the level of service, the room, the entertainm...TripAdvisor
Sandals Royal Curaçao is where amazing comes together – with the first-ever Awa Seaside Bungalows, first Kurason Island Suites, Dos Awa 2-Level Infinity Pool, 11 restaurants, and MINI Coopers for complimentary use for select rooms categories.
Our trip was amazing. The food was outstanding, the resort was beautiful, and the staff wa...TripAdvisor
On the north coast of Jamaica, rivers meander through forests and rushing waterfalls wash over the landscape. In this secluded spot, filled with the Earth’s abundance, love flows naturally.
This resort is out of this world. The food at every restaurant was fantastic. My favorite ...TripAdvisor
Understated elegance and exquisitely private, this is Sandals Royal Plantation - an intimate all-butler beach resort of just 74 ocean view suites tucked into a magnificent coral bluff.
We were at Royal Plantation over this past Christmas, as we have done for the past 20 year...TripAdvisor
Sandals Montego Bay is Sandals flagship beach resort and a true original. Spanning the most exclusive white-sand beach in Jamaica, this playful and romantic resort is where the world first fell in love with Sandals Resorts.
I had the absolute best time ever visiting sandals! One of the best experiences I’ve had i...TripAdvisor
Amidst a pristine tropical setting, this world-class beachfront resort combines a laid-back atmosphere with refined elegance. Spanning the longest and best stretch of Jamaica’s famous Seven Mile Beach.
The Entertainment!!!!
Omg we are really amazed with them they keep the energy go!! Every ...TripAdvisor
Water is the inspiration for everything at this resort on Jamaica’s pristine south coast, from the Over-the-Water Butler Bungalows and Over-the-Water Serenity Wedding Chapel to Latitudes Overwater Bar.
Hospitality was amazing. Would go back just for the people. Extra shoutout to the dive tea...TripAdvisor
An 110 acre exclusive tropical beachfront hideaway, enjoy a total of 16 restaurants, 11 unique bars, including the Caribbean’s first speakeasy, and unlimited golf at nearby Sandals Golf & Country Club.
Aaliyah in entertainment was hands down the best! She is like family now! So sweet, inclu...TripAdvisor
This elegant beach resort features innovative suites including Swim-up Crystal Lagoon Suites and the spectacular Over-the-water Suites. Just offshore, an exotic private island offers a romantic retreat.
Just a beautiful place. Great resort, food and service. Special shout out to ROCKEISHA wh...TripAdvisor
A historically regal retreat set on Nassau’s best beach, Sandals Royal Bahamian is for discerning travelers who desire a blend of European sophistication with an exotic offshore island adventure.
This resort is the way to go! The staff is friendly and the overall experience is Great. T...TripAdvisor
Ideally located on its very own peninsula, Sandals Grande St. Lucian is often described as the “closest vacation to a picture-perfect postcard.” Featuring the Spectacular Over-The-Water Bungalows.
There is a reason many return to this Sandals resort year after year! The resort, THE STAF...TripAdvisor
A magnificent 220-acre estate set on a half-mile, crescent-shaped beach. Featuring a challenging executive-style golf course, stunning oceanfront suites and the private enclave of the Sunset Bluff Village.
Great hotel, 5 * sandals hotel, lovely location, very clean, great beach, staff are amazin...TripAdvisor
A true Garden of Eden by the sea, its beachfront island architecture features cottages that are no taller than the highest palm tree, ensuring gorgeous panoramas of Saint Lucia’s tranquil beach and tropical seaside gardens.
A beautiful location, a wonderfully small and perfect hotel, nice rooms and room locations...TripAdvisor
Voted “World’s Most Romantic Resort” year after year, this charming seaside oasis is a couple’s paradise set on Antigua’s most beautiful and longest white–sand beach, Dickenson Bay.
Our room was absolutely delightful and so comfortable!!! The grounds of Sandals were immac...TripAdvisor
An exotic, unspoiled hideaway in the heart of Grenada’s exclusive Pink Gin Beach. Featuring breathtaking innovations like pools suspended in the sky, and where living rooms are found in pools.
Thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere food and weather. This was our second trip to Grenada an...TripAdvisor
The all-new, all-suite beach resort in the spirited St. Lawrence Gap area. Enjoy the Caribbean’s first rooftop pool and bar, a bowling alley, a 15,000-square-foot spa, even Rolls-Royce transfers for top-tier guests.
This resort was absolutely beautiful. The water was warm and clear and the sand was some o...TripAdvisor
Just steps from Barbados’ pristine Dover Beach, experience innovative accommodations such as the all-new Crystal Lagoon Swim-up Suites. Plus, experience two vacations in one at adjacent Sandals Royal Barbados.
The restaurants, the selection of cuisines, the level of service, the room, the entertainm...TripAdvisor
Sandals Royal Curaçao is where amazing comes together – with the first-ever Awa Seaside Bungalows, first Kurason Island Suites, Dos Awa 2-Level Infinity Pool, 11 restaurants, and MINI Coopers for complimentary use for select rooms categories.
Our trip was amazing. The food was outstanding, the resort was beautiful, and the staff wa...TripAdvisor
On the north coast of Jamaica, rivers meander through forests and rushing waterfalls wash over the landscape. In this secluded spot, filled with the Earth’s abundance, love flows naturally.
This resort is out of this world. The food at every restaurant was fantastic. My favorite ...TripAdvisor
Understated elegance and exquisitely private, this is Sandals Royal Plantation - an intimate all-butler beach resort of just 74 ocean view suites tucked into a magnificent coral bluff.
We were at Royal Plantation over this past Christmas, as we have done for the past 20 year...TripAdvisor
Sandals Montego Bay is Sandals flagship beach resort and a true original. Spanning the most exclusive white-sand beach in Jamaica, this playful and romantic resort is where the world first fell in love with Sandals Resorts.
I had the absolute best time ever visiting sandals! One of the best experiences I’ve had i...TripAdvisor
Amidst a pristine tropical setting, this world-class beachfront resort combines a laid-back atmosphere with refined elegance. Spanning the longest and best stretch of Jamaica’s famous Seven Mile Beach.
The Entertainment!!!!
Omg we are really amazed with them they keep the energy go!! Every ...TripAdvisor
Water is the inspiration for everything at this resort on Jamaica’s pristine south coast, from the Over-the-Water Butler Bungalows and Over-the-Water Serenity Wedding Chapel to Latitudes Overwater Bar.
Hospitality was amazing. Would go back just for the people. Extra shoutout to the dive tea...TripAdvisor
An 110 acre exclusive tropical beachfront hideaway, enjoy a total of 16 restaurants, 11 unique bars, including the Caribbean’s first speakeasy, and unlimited golf at nearby Sandals Golf & Country Club.
Aaliyah in entertainment was hands down the best! She is like family now! So sweet, inclu...TripAdvisor
This elegant beach resort features innovative suites including Swim-up Crystal Lagoon Suites and the spectacular Over-the-water Suites. Just offshore, an exotic private island offers a romantic retreat.
Just a beautiful place. Great resort, food and service. Special shout out to ROCKEISHA wh...TripAdvisor
A historically regal retreat set on Nassau’s best beach, Sandals Royal Bahamian is for discerning travelers who desire a blend of European sophistication with an exotic offshore island adventure.
This resort is the way to go! The staff is friendly and the overall experience is Great. T...TripAdvisor
Ideally located on its very own peninsula, Sandals Grande St. Lucian is often described as the “closest vacation to a picture-perfect postcard.” Featuring the Spectacular Over-The-Water Bungalows.
There is a reason many return to this Sandals resort year after year! The resort, THE STAF...TripAdvisor
A magnificent 220-acre estate set on a half-mile, crescent-shaped beach. Featuring a challenging executive-style golf course, stunning oceanfront suites and the private enclave of the Sunset Bluff Village.
Great hotel, 5 * sandals hotel, lovely location, very clean, great beach, staff are amazin...TripAdvisor
A true Garden of Eden by the sea, its beachfront island architecture features cottages that are no taller than the highest palm tree, ensuring gorgeous panoramas of Saint Lucia’s tranquil beach and tropical seaside gardens.
A beautiful location, a wonderfully small and perfect hotel, nice rooms and room locations...TripAdvisor
Voted “World’s Most Romantic Resort” year after year, this charming seaside oasis is a couple’s paradise set on Antigua’s most beautiful and longest white–sand beach, Dickenson Bay.
Our room was absolutely delightful and so comfortable!!! The grounds of Sandals were immac...TripAdvisor
An exotic, unspoiled hideaway in the heart of Grenada’s exclusive Pink Gin Beach. Featuring breathtaking innovations like pools suspended in the sky, and where living rooms are found in pools.
Thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere food and weather. This was our second trip to Grenada an...TripAdvisor
The all-new, all-suite beach resort in the spirited St. Lawrence Gap area. Enjoy the Caribbean’s first rooftop pool and bar, a bowling alley, a 15,000-square-foot spa, even Rolls-Royce transfers for top-tier guests.
This resort was absolutely beautiful. The water was warm and clear and the sand was some o...TripAdvisor
Just steps from Barbados’ pristine Dover Beach, experience innovative accommodations such as the all-new Crystal Lagoon Swim-up Suites. Plus, experience two vacations in one at adjacent Sandals Royal Barbados.
The restaurants, the selection of cuisines, the level of service, the room, the entertainm...TripAdvisor