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FREE ON A 5 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131278" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-31" , "numberOfDaysStay": "5" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-19" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-04-02" , "rstCode": "SLS" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=5" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-29" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } ] } , "SLU": { "month_4": [ { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 4 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131283" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-04-06" , "numberOfDaysStay": "4" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-19" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-04-09" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=4" , "stayDateLow": "2025-04-05" , "arrivalMonth": "4" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 4 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131284" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-04-06" , "numberOfDaysStay": "4" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-19" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-04-09" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=4" , "stayDateLow": "2025-04-05" , "arrivalMonth": "4" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 5 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131285" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-04-06" , "numberOfDaysStay": "5" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-19" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-04-09" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=5" , "stayDateLow": "2025-04-05" , "arrivalMonth": "4" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 5 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131286" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-04-06" , "numberOfDaysStay": "5" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-19" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-04-09" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=5" , "stayDateLow": "2025-04-05" , "arrivalMonth": "4" } ] , "month_3": [ { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 3 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130419" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-09" , "numberOfDaysStay": "3" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-24" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-12" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=3" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-08" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 3 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130420" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-09" , "numberOfDaysStay": "3" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-24" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-12" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=3" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-08" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 4 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130421" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-09" , "numberOfDaysStay": "4" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-24" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-12" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=4" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-08" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 4 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130422" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-09" , "numberOfDaysStay": "4" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-24" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-12" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=4" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-08" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 5 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130423" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-09" , "numberOfDaysStay": "5" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-24" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-12" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=5" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-08" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 5 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130424" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-09" , "numberOfDaysStay": "5" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-24" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-12" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=5" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-08" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 3 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130475" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-16" , "numberOfDaysStay": "3" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-30" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-19" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=3" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-15" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 3 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130476" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-16" , "numberOfDaysStay": "3" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-30" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-19" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=3" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-15" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 4 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130477" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-16" , "numberOfDaysStay": "4" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-30" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-19" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=4" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-15" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 4 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130478" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-16" , "numberOfDaysStay": "4" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-30" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-19" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=4" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-15" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 5 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130479" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-16" , "numberOfDaysStay": "5" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-30" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-19" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=5" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-15" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 5 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "130480" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-16" , "numberOfDaysStay": "5" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-01-30" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-19" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=5" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-15" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 3 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131065" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-28" , "numberOfDaysStay": "3" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-13" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-31" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=3" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-28" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 3 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131066" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-28" , "numberOfDaysStay": "3" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-13" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-31" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=3" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-28" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 4 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131067" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-28" , "numberOfDaysStay": "4" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-13" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-31" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=4" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-28" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } , { "description": "LAST MINUTE DEAL - FIRST NIGHT FREE ON A 4 NIGHT STAY" , "promotionId": "131068" , "promotionName": "519-LAST MINUTE DEAL" , "bookedDataHigh": "2025-03-28" , "numberOfDaysStay": "4" , "bookedDateLow": "2025-02-13" , "stayDateHigh": "2025-03-31" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "stringNumberOfDaysStay": "=4" , "stayDateLow": "2025-03-28" , "arrivalMonth": "3" } ] } } , "resortPercentageOff": [ { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "RP" , "rstCode": "BRP" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "AN" , "rstCode": "SAT" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "RB" , "rstCode": "SBR" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "DR" , "rstCode": "SDR" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "GL" , "rstCode": "SGL" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "OR" , "rstCode": "SGO" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "HA" , "rstCode": "SHC" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "LS" , "rstCode": "SLS" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "LU" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "MO" , "rstCode": "SMB" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "NE" , "rstCode": "SNG" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "BA" , "rstCode": "SRB" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "RJ" , "rstCode": "SRC" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "65" , "resortCode": "WH" , "rstCode": "SWH" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "60" , "resortCode": "BD" , "rstCode": "SBD" , "unit": "P" } , { "amount": "55" , "resortCode": "CR" , "rstCode": "SCR" , "unit": "P" } ] , "resortsSummary": { "SWH": { "resortName": "Sandals South Coast" , "rstCode": "SWH" , "resortCity": "Whitehouse" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Discover Jamaica\'s only all-beachfront, all-oceanview resort set on a 500-acre wilderness preserve. Sandals South Coast brings guests closer than ever to the water, featuring Over-The-Water Bungalows, Latitudes° Over Water Bar, an Over-The-Water Wedding Chapel, and Jamaica\'s largest pool. Everything you can imagine is beachside at Sandals South Coast, including the new Sushi on the Sand restaurant set along the resort\'s pristine 2-mile white-sand beach." , "resortCountry": "JAMAICA" , "resortCountryCode": "JM" , "resortShortName": "Sandals South Coast" } , "SNG": { "resortName": "Sandals Negril" , "rstCode": "SNG" , "resortCity": "Negril" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Amidst a pristine tropical setting, this world-class beachfront resort combines a laid-back atmosphere with refined elegance. Spanning the longest and best stretch of Jamaica\'s famous seven-mile beach, this is the only hotel in Negril to have won the coveted Green Globe Award, emblematic of its environmentally-friendly ambiance where even the architecture has been designed to be lower than the highest palm trees." , "resortCountry": "JAMAICA" , "resortCountryCode": "JM" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Negril" } , "SGL": { "resortName": "Sandals Grande St. Lucian" , "rstCode": "SGL" , "resortCity": "Gros-Islet" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Ideally located on its very own peninsula, Sandals Grande St. Lucian is often described as the \"closest vacation to a picture-perfect postcard.\" Cradled to the west by Rodney Bay - boasting the calmest waters in all of Saint Lucia - and to the east by the majestic Atlantic Ocean, this magnificent resort showcases awe-inspiring panoramic views of the ocean, mountains and the island of Martinique\'s distant shores." , "resortCountry": "SAINT LUCIA" , "resortCountryCode": "LC" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Grande St. Lucian" } , "SLS": { "resortName": "Sandals Grenada" , "rstCode": "SLS" , "resortCity": "St. George\'s" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "At Sandals Grenada, creative innovations abound, where pools are suspended in the sky and living room is surrounded by a pool. Retreat to intimate suites and you can swim up to our secluded, aesthetically pleasing villa sanctuaries with private plunge pools. The beachfront main pool comes alive as the sun goes down, with energetic nightly celebrations. At this exotic hideaway, breathtaking scenery meets creative innovations, delivering an escape beyond extraordinary." , "resortCountry": "GRENADA" , "resortCountryCode": "GD" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Grenada" } , "SAT": { "resortName": "Sandals Grande Antigua" , "rstCode": "SAT" , "resortCity": "St. John\'s" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Voted World\'s Leading Honeymoon Resort year after year, this charming seaside oasis is a couple\'s paradise set on Antigua\'s best and most famous beach, Dickenson Bay. This romantic getaway offers two unique village experiences - from the exotic appeal of the Caribbean Grove to the refined luxury of the chic Mediterranean Village. Indulge in 11 world-class gourmet restaurants, seven bars serving unlimited premium spirits and six pools including the Eastern Caribbean\'s largest." , "resortCountry": "ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA" , "resortCountryCode": "AG" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Grande Antigua" } , "SMB": { "resortName": "Sandals Montego Bay" , "rstCode": "SMB" , "resortCity": "Montego Bay" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Set along a stretch of white-sand beach that feels infinite, Sandals Montego Bay evokes a carefree spirit immersed in tropical beauty. Along the water\'s edge it capitalizes on its idyllic locale with an over-the-water bar, over-the-water wedding chapel and beachfront swim-up suites. Once the sun goes down, Sandals Montego Bay rises to the occasion, sending your taste buds on a culinary journey around the globe with a variety of fine specialty restaurants." , "resortCountry": "JAMAICA" , "resortCountryCode": "JM" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Montego Bay" } , "BRP": { "resortName": "Sandals Royal Plantation" , "rstCode": "BRP" , "resortCity": "Ocho Rios" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Bordered by the rolling hills of the St. Ann Mountains and the crystal clear waters of a calm bay known as The Ocho Rios Riviera, Sandals Royal Plantation is the perfect seclusion for those who are serious about taking life easy, yet desirous of every refinement. Offering just 74 luxurious all-oceanview suites, it has the intimacy of an elegant private villa and the panache of a world-class all-inclusive Caribbean beach resort." , "resortCountry": "JAMAICA" , "resortCountryCode": "JM" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Royal Plantation" } , "SRB": { "resortName": "Sandals Royal Bahamian" , "rstCode": "SRB" , "resortCity": "Nassau" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "A luxurious all-inclusive resort set along Nassau\'s renowned Cable Beach. Experience an easygoing spirit that imbues every corner of the reimagined Sandals Royal Bahamian. The bluest waters welcome you while the gentle breezes embrace you. At a moment\'s notice, sail away by boat to an exclusive offshore island for exotic adventures and romantic indulgence. Revel in the Bahamian way of life ¿ the ultimate setting to enhance your sense of romance. \r\n\r\n" , "resortCountry": "BAHAMAS" , "resortCountryCode": "BS" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Royal Bahamian" } , "SBD": { "resortName": "Sandals Barbados" , "rstCode": "SBD" , "resortCity": "St. Lawrence Gap" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Just steps from Barbados\' pristine Maxwell Beach, Sandals Barbados offers undeniable luxury with innovative accommodations such as the all-new Crystal Lagoon Swim-up Suites, 11 gourmet dining restaurants with international appeal, and Barbados\' largest and longest lagoon pool. Featuring Sandals first ever Indian restaurant, romantic fire pits, and a vibrant nightlife, Barbados\' best all-inclusive beach resort offers an exotic and romantic retreat for couples in love." , "resortCountry": "BARBADOS" , "resortCountryCode": "BB" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Barbados" } , "SRC": { "resortName": "Sandals Royal Caribbean" , "rstCode": "SRC" , "resortCity": "Montego Bay" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Sandals Royal Caribbean is renowned for its refinements and British traditions of a bygone era, such as high tea, croquet and continental breakfast in bed. Surrounded by manicured gardens and roaming peacocks, this elegant beach resort features innovative suites including Swim-up Crystal Lagoon Suites and the highly anticipated Over-the-water Suites. Just offshore, Sandals\' own exotic private island offers a romantic retreat featuring a pool with a swim-up bar, a secluded private beach and an authentic Thai restaurant." , "resortCountry": "JAMAICA" , "resortCountryCode": "JM" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Royal Caribbean" } , "SLU": { "resortName": "Sandals Regency La Toc" , "rstCode": "SLU" , "resortCity": "Castries" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Saint Lucia\'s most glamorous resort, Sandals Regency La Toc is a magnificent 210-acre estate set on a half-mile, crescent-shaped beach, cradling exotic coral bluffs, lush hillsides and rolling fairways. Featuring stunning oceanfront suites and the private enclave of the Sunset Bluff Village, this resort is recognized as the most sparkling jewel in the islands. Indulge in Five-Star Diamond French cuisine and other international cuisines with access to 27 restaurants with Sandals\' exclusive exchange program." , "resortCountry": "SAINT LUCIA" , "resortCountryCode": "LC" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Regency La Toc" } , "SGO": { "resortName": "Sandals Ochi" , "rstCode": "SGO" , "resortCity": "Ocho Rios" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "No place embodies the soul of Jamaica like Sandals Ochi. Choose the energy of the Caribbean Riviera and chic Ochi Beach Club overlooking half a mile of white-sand beach, or the privacy of the secluded Butler Villas & Great House Estate on the hillside above. This happening beach resort is surrounded by 110 acres of lush tropical gardens, creating an exclusive hideaway complete with 7 main pools, 16 unique dining choices, and unlimited green fees at nearby Upton Estate Golf & Country Club." , "resortCountry": "JAMAICA" , "resortCountryCode": "JM" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Ochi" } , "SHC": { "resortName": "Sandals Halcyon Beach" , "rstCode": "SHC" , "resortCity": "Castries" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "You won\'t find a more peaceful sanctuary in the Caribbean than Sandals Halcyon Beach in Saint Lucia. A true Garden of Eden by the sea, the resort\'s beachfront island architecture features gingerbread-detailed cottages that are no taller than the highest palm tree, ensuring gorgeous panoramas of Saint Lucia\'s tranquil beach and tropical seaside gardens. And with Sandals\' exclusive exchange program, you can enjoy expanded dining options at 27 gourmet restaurants." , "resortCountry": "SAINT LUCIA" , "resortCountryCode": "LC" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Halcyon Beach" } , "SDR": { "resortName": "Sandals Dunn\'s River" , "rstCode": "SDR" , "resortCity": "Ocho Rios" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Drawing inspiration from the gorgeous natural backdrop and many rivers of the North Coast of Jamaica, this iconic retreat returns to the Sandals family. Here, nature meets romance with original designs that bring you closer to the flora and fauna. At Sandals Dunn\'s River, you\'ll find an elevated resort experience where architecture and innovation go hand-in-hand." , "resortCountry": "JAMAICA" , "resortCountryCode": "JM" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Dunn\'s River" } , "SCR": { "resortName": "Sandals Royal Curaçao" , "rstCode": "SCR" , "resortCity": "Santa Barbara" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "At Sandals Royal Curaçao, couples are brought together through moments and experiences they simply can\'t find anywhere else. Spanning 44 acres set within an iconic 3,000-acre estate, every moment here is inspired by the rich and colorful traditions shaped by Dutch, Caribbean, Latin, and Creole influences. Thirteen unique bars, including two swim-up pool bars. Innovations continue with eight 5-Star Global Gourmet restaurants, seven of which are brand new for Sandals Resorts! You can also dine on the go with three additional dining options at the new beachside food trucks, offering delicacies from around the world." , "resortCountry": "CURAÇAO" , "resortCountryCode": "CW" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Royal Curaçao" } , "SSV": { "resortName": "Sandals Saint Vincent" , "rstCode": "SSV" , "resortCity": "Kingstown" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Tucked away on its own private cove and bordered by a lush forest and gently flowing river is Sandals Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Featuring stunning Overwater Villas and Beachfront Villas, 12 dining concepts, and 5 unique bars." , "resortCountry": "SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES" , "resortCountryCode": "VC" , "resortShortName": "Sandals Saint Vincent" } , "SBR": { "resortName": "Sandals Royal Barbados" , "rstCode": "SBR" , "resortCity": "St Lawrence Gap" , "resortMainImage": "" , "resortDescription": "Barbados is home to exotic locales, a rich history, and an extensive variety of sports and activities. With a spectacular landscape that changes dramatically from one town to the next, there are plenty of activities and entertainment for nature lovers, club-goers, and adventurers alike. 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